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Hello all,

Auquaponic farm
Today I got my first orientation day at the Aquaponic farm, and I really liked it. There weren't that many other people working this today which for me felt better for now. All people that were working were very friendly and before I knew, it was time to go home (I worked until lunch). This makes me believe that I probably won't sleep as bad as I did last night and won't be that nervous as I did this morning when I will have my second orientation day next wednesday. :)

Buoy objects
Like I experienced before with updating other mods, there's more to update then just making them to appear in the pond vfx section. I discovered that the buoy recolors use a different kind of rope texture then the first orange buoy. Where this one fades into transparency when deeper in the water, the others stay 100% visible. This is something Maxis made theirselfs, so I just fixed this for myself as I don't like the ropes to be different then the first swatch. Besides that, it looks more realistic seeing less of the rope hanging in the water, the deeper it hangs in the water. 

I'm also going to change the price to 14 simoleons so they will appear at the end of the beach objects in the pond vfx section. As for the thumbnails, the buoys spawning the waves will get the blue water background as these always have to be placed on water and the buoys with the interaction to spawn whales and or dolphins one single time, will get the lightbrown beach background as these can also be placed as decoration on terrain if you don't activate the vfx.

Dolphin/Whale Tour boat vfx
Something else I thought about but haven't tested yet, is adding a water ripple effect to the tour boat. I'm not sure if the one that I used for the sail boat also works (as in size) for the tour boat, but it's something I'm definitely going to try.

Diving/Snorkeling Buoy
The buoy that can both be used to dive and snorkle in oceans and pool waters, will after the update still be foundable in the Activity section in buy mode as well as in the 'new' pond's pool objects section. Other then that, not much will change. Just remember that, just as the other buoy objects, it can only be placed on pond water surfaces using the MOO cheat. And as Sims can't swim in ponds (yet), you can't use the interactions to dive or snorkle in there.

I hope to be able to finish a few of the mods tomorrow after my work (voluntary) at the rehabilitation center for wild birds and mammals, so you can already use them in your game. Not sure about the public release yet.



I'm so excited for you, Bakie! The Aquaponic farm sounds so interesting and like a lot of fun. Yay, for the updates on your content! ❣️✨❣️