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I've decided what my next project is going to be about: Waterwheels!
In the screenshots 3 different waterwheels are visible. There're two from the Cottage Living world Henford on Bagley and one from the Get Together world Windenburg which I want to make placeable for the community. I'm aware that the Cottage Living ones can be found in the debug section, but as far as I know, they don't have any vfx like the splashing water attached to it. The Get Together waterwheel can't be found in the debug section though, so is probably only a VFX.

I don't have much time this week to work on this project as I will be gone from upcoming friday untill monday, but I will try to share some more sneakpeeks and/or info tomorrow morning and/or thursday. :)




Oh, marvelous!!! 🥰☺️🥰