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Hello all,

I've tried to work a bit on the waterwheel today and as for the to-do list from my former post, I've only finished a few of them.

Former To do list:
Things I still need to do now for this particular object:
- Search for and add more water VFX (ripples/flow).
- Add custom catalog thumbnail ✅
- Make it to be placeable on all water surfaces. ✅
- Placeable on terrain so a small stream can flow in between. ✅
- Double check everything so I don't forget things.

Some new I've been looking into to change or add to the GT waterwheel too:
- Lower the waterwheel so the concrete will be underwater partly.
- Try to add possibility to generate electricity.

I will share some screenshots later this week probably of the things updated, but don't have time for it right now.


