Sneak Peek Images - GT Waterwheel + Custom Supports (Patreon)
First of all, when looking at the example builds above, don't look at their surroundings. Especially not for the second one as I build them on a lot in New Crest.
I wanted to make two simple examples for making custom supports with platforms as well as making it from short walls. Like always though, I couldn't stop making it perfect also looking at the environment around the waterwheels..
First Image
Anyway, in the first image you see a waterwheel for which I used platforms to enclose it. After doing so, I used short walls around it, so I could make it look the same as the walls from the building. I also worked very long to get the balcony from the house to look as it does now by the way, but that isn't that important in this case🤪.
Second Image
For the second image I only used short walls to enclose the waterwheel. I guess as it's also a smaller house, this looks better in this case.
I've could have used normal walls in both cases too, but both platforms and short walls have more possibilites as in how you want to use them. You can for example, choose how high you want your platforms to be and also how wide.
In case of the short walls, there're multiple different heights you can combine which each other to make it to look a lot more playful.