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Non-Rotating Small Waterwheel
My final object for my Waterwheel Pack is finished now! As you can see I also decorated this non-rotating small waterwheel with some plants as well as some mushrooms to make it clear it isn't rotating for a long time.

Double Checking
What now needs to be done, is double checking all objects from this pack in game again on things as; do they supply power over time, are all thumbnails looking correct, are all search tags complete for each object, aren't there any placement issues etc.

After that I can start making screenshots, start recording in-game footage and write and record the voice-over. As this all is quite some time ago now and it's quite a large pack, it might takes a bit longer then usual.

Waterwheel Pack Thumbnail
Also making the thumbnail (For both the video as my socials) will probably take more time as I need to change a few things. It isn't allowed any more to use official The Sims 4 key-art or the plumbob, which were always part of my thumbnails. So I need to make clear in other ways which dlc is required to make use of this pack for example.

YouTube Video Logo
Another thing I still need to change is the video logo that can be seen in the lower right corner of my videos. In my last video it looked the same as my YouTube banner, but as I changed all my banners recently, I need to change this logo too.

So, enough things left to do!




This is just amazing, Bakie. ☺️💧☺️