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Hello all,

Just wanted to let you know I'm working on the video of the Waterwheels, but had to fix multiple problems while doing so. Most problems came from the fact of using a second monitor. I'm sharing my problems and solution here, for if people ever have the same kind of problems when working with a second monitor for the first time.

Display Type
One of the biggest problems I had, was that when using my default Fullscreen display type, I couldn't move my mouse from one monitor with the game playing, to the other.  I tried using the 'Windowed' type, so I could also drag the game to the other screen, but the resolution then changed to something strange because of the window-bars. This would make my templates for YouTube overlays and thumbnails to not fit anymore (I've discovered this today, so the work I did last week was for nothing). So eventually I'm now using the Fullscreen Windowed mode, which keeps the resolution the same and makes it possible to move my mouse from the game monitor to the other. I do need the game to be played on my new monitor as I can't move it, but that's fine as it looks a lot better.

Sometimes I use the printscreen key on my keyboard instead of the in-game printscreen C-key. This is especially when making the "where to find"  or other images in which I need to type something into the search- or cheat bar.
Now when I tried to hit the printscreen key on my keyboard, it would make a printscreen of my other monitor instead of the one the game is visible on. Moving my mouse to the game monitor and there fore making that window active wasn't enough though. Solution: Press and hold the ALT-key while hitting the Printscreen-key.
This will make a printscreen of the active window, in this case the fullscreen window of the game. 

Lot Info Icon kept flashing
The last problem probably came with changing the game to the English version and there fore making a new clean installment of the game and it's files.
For some reason while in Build Mode, the Lot Info Icon (house icon in the upper left corner), kept flashing all the time as if there was something new. Going through all it's options wasn't enough to remove this unfortunately. What did fix it, was adding a certain line to the UserSettings in my The Sims 4 documents folder.

Normally you should not mess with these files, but as it was annoying me big time I made a copy of the original file and added the following line:
<Number>#viewedflairextension_bblotinfopanel#boolean = true
The <Number> part needs to be the same as the other numbers you can find in this text file.

Now the flashing is gone! :)



Thank you for the techie info, Bakie! 🤗🤗🤗