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Hi Everyone,

I just started working on the wallpaper again and thought that everything should work fine in game, turned out it didn't. It didn't worked at all :(

Studio's Eyedropper tool problem and solution
Also stumbled upon some problems I never had before like not being able to use the eyedropper tool in Studio to grab a color from the texture. Turned out that the eyedropper tool (or  at least in my case) does not work on a second monitor. When dragging Studio to my primary one it worked again. The time it costed me to figure that out though...😖 As I had some more problems, I just decided to start from scratch with the wallpaper again. Hopefully that will fix all problems I have with it right now.

CurseForge Images
I did succeeded in making the CurseForge images already last week, so at least I had some progress last week with this. I really hope I can add this first mod soon to CurseForge to see how it all works.

New Mod
After uploading this wallpaper mod to CurseForge, I won't be uploading more as it costs too much time right now and I would rather work on something new. Maybe I will switch between making new mods and adding some to CurseForge the upcoming time. Hopefully next time though, I will be able to add a bunch of mods instead of just one.

Hopefully news on the wallpaper soon!


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