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Good news about the Base Game Compatible Fish Pack! I've finally found time to discuss it with Ravasheen despite the fact that due to the different time zones, this was incredibly difficult to arrange.

And I've just tested if the first fish, the angelfish, will spawn in game after disabling all other packs. AND IT DID! 

New Pack
The way the mod is made now though, is totally different then it was before. This should make it easier for me to add new fish species. Which brings me to the second important thing. As this will become a totally new mod pack because of being different then the one before, my aim is to add ALL AVAILABLE fish species at once. From the back of my head, I thought there were 52 fish species right now.

So it will probably be a lot of work, but after this you will have the choice between 52 fish species in your game to add to pools, fountains, ponds and oceans!

Custom Haunted House Entry
As I now know how to make this new kind of fish mod and there's so much work to be done as I need to redo the fish from the first fish pack too, I will pause the work on the custom haunted house entry for now. Although there's a big change I will work on it inbetween as making 52 fish mods could get a bit boring after a while probably.😅

I've also had a problem with the Haunted House entry as my Sim would still enter it as if there was still the long fence to the side of the entrance to enter the building. And in my case I've already got rid of the entire building around it. But more about that later, first let's make some Base Game Compatible Fish mods!


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