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Hello everybody,

I'm back from my vacation which was quite a good one with nice weather and beautiful places we visited and an incredible amount of photos made (1093) which I still need to go through..

Family Circumstances
But there's still this family circumstances thingy I posted about before my holiday.
The thing with that is, that my mother is severely depressed at the moment. This started right before out holiday, which even made us wonder IF we would go on a vacation at all. After talking about it with my family, they said we had to go and that they would take care of her.
So now we're back, me and my family are really busy with her, which gives me even less time then normally to work on mods, but my mother is now a bit more important for me, I'm sorry. ;)

Unlocked Horse Ranch Tree pack
The least I can do now is make the Unlocked Tree pack available for everyone to enjoy, which is what I will do this friday. Again, no video will be made as it takes me too much time.

I hope to be able to work on the Horse Ranch Flower pack this weekend or maybe try to add a few more mods to my Curse Forge account as there's still only one on there 😅.

Whatever I will be working on, I will update about it probably next week.


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