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I've already mentioned I wanted to make something Christmas/Winter related, but I wasn't sure if I could actually make my ideas to work.

One of the ideas I've started to work on is an animated wallpaper on which it snows. It's still far from finished as I'm not happy with for example the colors right now, but the animated part is working at least.

The most difficult part is that the colors used on the textures , won't be the same in game. This is because the falling snow is made of moving texture overlays, meaning these textures are slightly transparent. Right now I'm using a dark blue background and white snowflakes. As those snowflakes are slightly transparent though, they become dark blue too instead of staying white. So I need to find a combination of colors that looks good mixed together.  There's also a possibility that I'll make multiple colored versions, so you can see for yourself which you love the most. :)

Trying to make a GIF
Looking at the image above, you can't see how this wallpaper is animated, that's why I'm trying to make a GIF of it.
The reason I want to make a GIF and not share a video like normally, is because I also want to add a GIF to the description here on Patreon as well as on CurseForge. Maybe even a GIF as thumbnail if that's possible.
So whenever it's ready, I will share it here. My follow-up sneak peeks will also contain some GIFs then too.



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