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It's the end of the month once more, and this September was certainly one of the more interesting ones. While I had been expecting things to calm down after the summer months the scare acting gig is taking up an increasingly large amount of time. We're also still waiting on Kitty's promotion status, and while not inherently stressful there is a lot of waiting that needs to be done. I've been doing 12-hour shifts to try and make up for it but overall productivity is definitely down for September.

That's not to say that things aren't getting done; we got one book published with another on the way coming here soon. We also got almost 200k words done despite not doing a full Iron Pen as well. From what I can see the scare job in October is only going to get more intense as far as hours are going, which will reduce time to work on things. For those days that I'm not out scaring i'm sticking with the twelve hour shifts to try and make sure as much stuff gets done as possible.

So October is very much up in the air, and regardless of Kitty's work status the 12 hour shifts will remain until the end of the year. Figure the interruptions between holidays and whatnot should probably even those out, though I guess we'll see.

It's the hard push, three months until the end of the year, time to get stuff done.


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