New scheduling for patreon uploads (Patreon)
Hey everyone! So I know that things have been a bit all over the place when it comes to my uploading schedule, often just stuffing things into places when I have time. I would like to set up a posting schedule that's not so hectic and a little more structured. While I'm still hashing out the details I'm thinking it's going to be something like this:
1st of the month: Patreon poll, $3 tier
7th of the month: Patreon poll, $5 tier
Mondays: Short Stories
Thursdays: Long Stories
Saturdays: Comic Pages
Second and Fourth Friday of the month: Game Uploads
Tuesdays: Overflow comic pages (if applicable)
Fridays: Overflow stories (if applicable)
Last day of Month: End of Month report
That's it for the main uploads, if there is any misc. objects that need to go up they'll probably still be posted as is, like announcements or cameo opportunities and such. I'll probably get this up and running in Nov. once I'm done spooking and such.