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Also apologies for the slight popping sounds that happen here and there. Lesson learned to move the mic away from my mouth and to turn down the gain somewhat as I had it too high I think. Hopefully it's not awful??


Patreon Ep 20.mov



Glad to see you decided to make a patreon after all! Loving the content also where you're saying the ideas on your mind about what's gonna happen. Sidenote... is that a pokemon sweater or something with an Igglybuff and Flabébé on??? o: That's so adorable!!


Ah thank you!! I did indeed!! YES! It has Sylveon on the front and then a whole bunch of Fairy Type Pokemon along the arms! I got it on the Pokemon Centre Website a year or so ago! The designs are starting to crack which is sad but I still love it! Lord I genuinely have no clue other than I think something is going to happen to Erwin at some point where he goes too far and he's sentenced for treason. He just seems to go ahead without really contemplating how others might react to it even if he believes it's for the greater good!


Yep, this show will rip you up morally. It'll present you increasingly more difficult moral questions. You know it's wrong, but can't see a better alternative given the information you have.

Terry C

You're actually the first reactor I've heard talking about the AoT story having retrospective narration. That’s such an interesting perspective!


Ahh. I love a good moral crisis. There'll be plenty of time to reevaluate Erwin's plans and question the morality of every action taken by anyone ever as you proceed.


I was having an existential moment like "oh god I can't really condemn this but I also hate the needless death but like what else could he have done?!"

Anna Kyruin

I feel like AOT would make a fantastic backdrop for education. There's great philosophy of morality and ethics problems all over. It also grows more and more complex as it goes in a way that few other series do. I think you may have misread Armin's comment about Erwin, but you'll probably catch it in editing. "Those who cannot sacrifice anything cannot change anything" "Someone who can throw aside their humanity in order to defeat monsters" Obviously both important thematically, but also they are obviously based in utilitarian moral calculus which is fraught with shortfalls. How much should we be willing to sacrifice? How much of your humanity should you throw aside? On the other hand in our daily lives the freedoms we enjoy (or lose) are almost always bought by someone else's sacrifice or unwillingness to sacrifice. Systems of oppression are always maintained by those unwilling to sacrifice their comfort for the rights of the other.


Yes - I realised I definitely misread it but I'm not sure how looking back! I must have switched the cannot in for a can at some point and my brain ran with it. Absolutely. Which is what we've been seeing time and time again so far. Acts of greed that put others at risk because they are unwilling to make a sacrifice for the greater good. I always think back to that merchant who was willing to risk the lives of everyone evacuating Trost just to save his own goods!


Might have something to do with this story being written basically starting with the end. The concept for the end was one of the first things thought out by Isayama, rest of the story emerged from that.


Great reaction! I will mention a few things about the expedition, now that we know you have finished season 1: 1. The stated mission of this expedition was not to get to the basement, but just to make a test run with Eren and get some supplies. In principle, it was a regular and not very ambitious mission. 2. Regarding Erwin's plan, I think it is very easy to overlook how dire humanity's situation was at this point. After a lot of sacrifices during the battle of Trost, Eren was able to plug the hole in the wall with that boulder, but there is nothing stopping the Colossal Titan from just kicking it again. He could also just kick the wall on the East or the wall on the West and then there would be no way for Eren to be there to try to stop the Titans pouring in. With this in mind, Erwin's plan was to parade Eren around, seemingly unprotected, to try to bait the Titans into going after him and distract them from the walls. His plan was also to capture one of these intelligent Titans and try to get vital information before the next attack. Taking this into consideration, Erwin's decision to sacrifice all of these soldiers for the mission makes more sense. He is not just sacrificing them to get to the Female Titan, but also to protect Wall Rose and the rest of humanity. Yet this still raises the question: Where all of these sacrifices really justified? Does the goal always justify the means? Armin said at the end of the season that we should abandon our humanity if we were to have any chance of defeating these monsters, but that is a very slippery slope in our moral judgment. How far is too far? How much sacrifices before we become the monsters ourselves? As Jean asked in episode 1x25, "If we destroy all the Titans that way, would that really be a victory for humanity?" P.S. Great catch with the narrator of the story! Have you recognized their voice yet?


I can't quite recognise the voice but I have a suspicion that it's most likely Armin just based on him being the most likely to want to recount the events. It's a very interesting dilemma. As you said - it's a slippery slope of being willing to sacrifice so many for a small gain or even no gain at all. Where does it end? How does it not devolve into complete disregard? There's a very clear fine line between wanting to protect humanity and doing everything in your power to do so, whilst at the same time having no regard for how many die in the process. The most visually striking part for me was in Episode 24 or 25? With the little girl completely traumatised covered in blood. Likely having lost her entire family in Erwin's plan to corner Annie. We've seen soldiers die and we somewhat accept that this is what they've chosen to do. It harkens back to Erwin's words of 'Can you die if ordered too?' But the innocence of that child shows almost the brutality to Erwin's decision that he conducted this plan with no regard for the lives of those in Wall Sina. It's hard to know what is right or wrong but it does make you question was it worth it? Was it all worth it? Only time will tell I guess.


they prepared a route from trost to shiganshina then the collossal titan kicked in the gate at trost and eren blocked the gate with a boulder now they can't leave through trost, they have to ttake the long way round

Hayden Steele

Is the part of the collection on patreon? I don't see it

Hayden Steele

On the patreon app, if I click on your page > collection > it has a playlist for AoT, for Frieren, and for Death Note


Those are the only 3 shows I'm watching so yes there is a playlist for all 3? Sorry - I might be misunderstanding. It's early morning for me so not entirely sure what you mean.


I'm a bit late to this episode, but I just wanted to share that this episode contains a translation error. When Erwin says, "An eye for an eye," he actually said, "Just to make sure." The two phrases sound very similar in Japanese.