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Death Note Ep 21.mov



While not exactly mentioning how Light takes into account peoples' circumstances when it comes to their criminality, there was one line in the second episode when L confronts Kira. When he was talking about Light's first victim, he mentioned out of all the criminals who died of heart attacks this one's crime was the least serious. This was after he had killed 6 people previously and had been currently holding 8 people hostage. So when Ryuk showed up 5 days later and saw all the names written in the notebook, you have to assume all of these people he killed have committed some serious atrocities. IMO, these kinds of people Light was killing couldn't really have any reasonable, excuasble circumstances leading them to commit their crimes.


In all honesty - I think it's just a huge plot hole in terms of the story writing. It's likely they forgot to mention earlier his moralistic stance on choosing criminals and then just casually tried to insert it. Yes, there may have been hints but overall to have not included his MO from the beginning is a red flag in writing. It's sprung on the audience randomly as if it was discussed from the start. The way it is depicted in the earlier episodes very much gives the impression that Light is killing all criminals whose names are broadcasted - there is no delving into why and how he selects them until way past the halfway point of the show. In my opinion it's a writing oversight that they've tried to shoe horn in too late.


Yeah, they could have included L mentioning in any of his later discussions, that Kira is selectively killing the broadcasted criminals. It doesn't add too much length to the content, but adds different perspective to Light's morals. I still wouldn't agree with Light, but it makes him a bit more relatable. Assuming that Light checked out the background for each of the criminals he killed, when he was filling multiple pages with names, is not something that would first come to mind.


While the show does show that Light (usually) takes into account the severity of crimes, I do agree that these three criteria could’ve been depicted better The first and last ones I can excuse, as I think they’re believable given what they’ve shown, but the criteria of “people who sincerely regretted their crimes” being pardoned is definitely shoe-horned in lmao. There’s no evidence of that anywhere in the show 😂


Also, I don’t think they included the criteria to impact our opinion of Light, because regardless of his criteria, they’ve already shown that he’s willing to twist it and kill lesser/non criminals when it suits him I think it’s just something the writer intended to be the case but either forgot or didn’t think to explicitly state until now lol