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The Resident Evil 4 remake has arrived, and the gang stumbles upon a game-changing idea for a dog-focused podcast.


Fire Escape cast #51 (Video Version)

The Resident Evil 4 remake has arrived, and the gang stumbles upon a game-changing idea for a dog-focused podcast.



I don't remember the RE4 controls, but tank control isn't about the perspective, it's where forward input always moves the character in the direction it is facing, and the turning inputs, change the facing of the character. Instead of mixing the inputs, to give 8 way directional control. Like a tank.

Michael McCarthy

I thought this was the case, but if you look up the definition of tank controls, Mike is actually right.

David Middleton

As someone who has only ever eaten the buffalo snyder's pretzel pieces, the taste buds of Dan, is eating his first bag of the cheddar ones right now, and has no actual data to back up his opinion... I can confidently say Mike is completely wrong and these cheddar pretzels are perfection. ;P