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Rose Poivree (2000) by The Different Company +

Robin Hardy's The Wicker Man (1973) +

David Tibet's Current 93 (1982-)


John and Will

ep.104 4/11/2021




People freak out about Death in June yet they give Current 93 a pass because they can see the symbol on the shirt, runes on the album cover. Then they know to make a little pig grunt of disapproval. They can't interpret music or even a title. They have less sophisticated minds than insects. Straight up bugs. They can't read, they can't even parse their own senses besides (illiterate) vision. Totally impoverished little creatures, they don't have anything.

Dear Death

I love those strong as fuck Al Haramain dupes...

FG (Kira's High Waisted Uniform Enthusiast)

Don't remember which episode it was now that mentioned Cafe but I had to try it and Jack's right it's really pleasant. There's probably quite a few companies that owe Jack commission...