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Antonia's Flowers (1985) by Antonia's Flowers+

Woody Allen's Interiors (1978) + Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) + Alice (1990) + Vicky Christina Barcelona (2008)


Petra Cortright petracortright.com 

6/27/2021 ep.114



Thomas Edwards

Intelligent and incisively amusing as always. I wonder if Jack and Ordant ever venture into a botanical garden or florist to sample the source, as it were?


been waiting to be vindicated on my vicky cristina obsession for so long. praise the Lord!


Jo Malone has some cool scents, at least to my perfume-noob nose. The bronze, wood and leather one smells just like a cow/leather sofa/furniture store and the Cypress and Grapevine one is like a blast of fresh shaving cream, kinda reminds me of a cold white tile 80s bathroom. I agree they are all just one note, and I don’t think they are worth the price, but they tend to be liberal with samples at dept stores.

Patrick Crowley

The 2008 ET buzz about VCB takes me back so hard. My family was subscribed to Entertainment Weekly at the time and the review was titillating. Quite an LLL year with VCB, Mamma Mia, and Sex and the City: The Movie all hitting theaters within months of each other.


So cool you did a woody episode! Excited to see what your plans r for John waters ❣️


Also love petras paintings


I could listen to TPN cover every Woody Allen movie and be happy doing it


Great ep!


I love this show so much. <3 <3 <3 THANK YOU JACK!


Amazing episode