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The next winner from this month's character poll is Astrid! Last time we saw her she was in her special "Dragon Training" gear. This time she's back in normal attire, but seems to have found herself in a bit of a dilemma.

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An excellent looking predicament she's found herself in. Astrid looks tense, but I'm sure she'll pull through. Fantastic work on this, those hog and toe ties are looking fantastic, and the atmosphere you crafted with everything else, I can practically feel the waves of the boat I imagine she must be on! You're an absolute GOAT and I can't state enough how I truly believe you to be one of my all time favorite artists, truly. There's something so playfully beautiful about each thing you make. It's just so technically well done and wholly your own, there's nothing like it. I believe you're a very hard working artist, and you deserve to be praised for that. So yeah, this is a good piece.


OOK! Love this!


Thanks so much for taking the time to leave such a kind and enthusiastic review--about Astrid as well as the general compliments. Like a lot of artists, I'm usually my own worst critic, so the words of encouragement do mean a lot. And it also helps me gauge the kind of scenes people are enjoying. This one was a lot of fun, so I'm glad you liked it.