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In the spirit of the Olympics, I thought it was a good time to share a piece that celebrates competition--even if it's the kind of twisted, kinky competition that could only take place in Harley's Harem! This scene was a recent collaboration with patron and frequent collaborator aidenke, taking place in his "Harley's Harem" universe, in which Harley & Ivy have lots of playful fun with many heroines (and even some villains!) from the DC world. The concept for this scene was his brainchild, and the lettering and dialogue is done by him as well.

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It was an absolute pleasure scheming this one up with you. Your storytelling through composition, body language, and those brilliant expressions are all the absolute rockstars of this piece. All of the girls look amazing, and it was too much fun imagining just what kinds of competitions would happen there in Harley's warehouse. Thank you so much for making this crazy bit of fun happen. I hope people enjoy it!


love this!!


You're welcome and thanks! Always fun to collaborate and scheme these things up as always.