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We're starting off this month with a simple Emily and Mara scene that serves as a prologue for second pin-up coming soon. It seems Emily has come up with a creative take on an advent calendar to make month of December a fun (and possibly long) one for her and Mara. We'll check back in near the end of the month to see if Mara's had any luck. (And of course pin-ups from the monthly suggestions will appear in between!)

Download the Artwork Here



hahaha, that's cute and very creative


Those thick socks frame Mara's legs delightfully. Lovely expressions, too.

Second of Many

A great start to CHristmas fun! Look forward to seeing what will happen later this month


Such a fun concept -- and quite the tease to build up to a little "holiday cheer." XD Can't wait to see where this one goes!


Thanks! Glad you like how this turned out. Hope December won't feel TOO long for Mara.