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I hurt my dominant arm yesterday but not that severe that I cannot draw. I apologize if my updates and commissions take more time than usual! I am slowing my drawing pace while it's still hurting, I appreciate everybody's patience with me!



Please get some rest and take care of your hand quq// It’s all good, don’t worry about update speeds! What’s important is you’re feeling okay

Maggy Rey

;;A;; Take care of your arm *huggles*


I'm fine when I am taking short breaks during each drawing! I will try my best to finish them within this month! :)


Thank you! It is my elbow that hurt the most because it was the one that took all the weight of my body orz


please get some rest!! QAQ// we’d rather see you all good and healthy than risking something that could affect you long-term! take your time and take care of yourself friend!!