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Some new gijinkas hehe

Will update more in the ff weeks!

Bonus: Chemist placeholder as the creator of synthetic elements (They'll kinda be like humonculus)

Hi res version here, I'll be uploading the smaller versions on twitter with additional desciption. Might tag it here as well hehe

What could be a nice title for this gijinka series? I can't always call it 'Chemical Gijinka' series every time ;u; haha



Maggy Rey

Yaaas, it's been kinda a long time since your last gijinka serie, I'm so happy you started this one! They all look awesome 😍 As for a title, the only thing I thought of was "Ginjical" >.> I'm bad at titles XD

Taylor Fleek

LOVE THIS!!!! AHHHHH so cool!