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Part of my series about oldest found music compositions as anime dudes. It is also part of my overall list of musical compostion gijinkas as anime girls or guys or gender neutral.

The Delphic Hymns are two extant compositions from Ancient Greece. You can hear various renditions of the two hymns in the internet. These are one of the oldest pieces of notated music with the composers known. Both of this compositions were for the god Apollo to be sung during a pythaid, a ritual procession which ends at Delphi.

The first Delphic hymn is composed by Athenaeus while the second one is by Limenius. There are debates whether they are made 10 years apart or performed in the same year in 128 BC. The first one has vocal notations while the second one has instrumental notations and has slightly more surviving parts. 

Psd and stuff in the attachments!



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