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The winner of this month's poll was The Relief Station TF and I will have the script built here in the next few days for that. We have a couple of audios ready for editing and a few more that are nearly finished recording. Areli's voice has suffered from the seasons changing back and forth daily, but she should be good soon!

I've been streaming on discord work on the animation collabs this week in the evenings around 8 or 9 US central time. Going to have my preliminary Goth Boots TG animation draft done probably tonight or tomorrow to send off to TFS to get feedback. Then, its editing sfx into the IdolMoosters animation for Mankor. These should be out officially sometime soon, but if you wanna get a peek, you can visit the stream and say hello too! Attached is the sequence wip Mankor made for us as thanks for helping with the audio :D

Thank you all for your support!



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