Roseate Knight - Set Items (Premium Supplement) (Patreon)
Greetings, dear kin of the realm, I am the last of a long-forgotten order, the Roseate Knights. Today, I break my silence to unveil a part of our lore. Though we're bathed in the soft, warm hue of the rose, do not mistake our kindness for frailty, for beneath the gentle exterior beats a heart of iron resolve.
Long ago, in the dawn of our order, we swore a solemn oath to harness the ancient arcane powers of protection. We vowed to serve as guardians, to stand unwavering in the face of harm, a shield for the innocent and the defenseless. Our armor, blushing like a thousand sunrises, is not just a spectacle; it's a symbol of hope.
When we march to battle, our every motion leaves a shimmering echo, a visible testament to the arcane forces bending around us. We became a living testament of a maxim - Love is powerful, kindness is strength, and to protect is the highest honor.
Though we dance with the elegance of petals in the wind, our reprisal is fierce and swift. For every strike we endure, we retaliate twofold, striking down our foes with the same energy meant to harm our protectees.
With our departure from the battlefields, our lore and customs may have retreated into obscurity, but the legacy of the Roseate Knights is eternally etched in the annals of time. To those with noble hearts and unyielding spirits, carry our mantle, for every dawn is a promise of hope and resilience. Remember, dear kin, even the softest rose has its thorns.