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🛡 🏙 🌌 In my years patrolling the city, I've heard whispers of paladins unlike any others. They are not heralded by the clanking of heavy armor nor the declarations of holy justice. Instead, they move with the hush of a midnight breeze, guardians of the oppressed and unnoticed.

These are the paladins of the Oath of Silence. As the stories go, their commitment is profound - to quietude, awareness, empathy.

It is said that they are the defenders we don’t see, the guardians who operate from the shadows, their actions resonating more deeply than any shouted vow. They champion the overlooked, the unheard, those who the world might have forgotten.

 Tonight, as I patrol, I swear I felt a presence. Just a fleeting sensation of being watched, of being guarded. There was no sound, no movement. Just a feeling of safety, of protection. 🛡 🏙 🌌



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