Blind Prophet - Set Items (Patreon)
Updated - v 1.2
Cloistered within the mountains’ embrace, in the hidden sanctums, these enigmatic seers forsook their mortal sight to gain glimpses of the ever-shifting tapestry of fate. Their dedication to the pursuit of knowledge was unparalleled, for they believed that true understanding dwelt not in the present's fleeting light but in the shadows of the past and the dawning of the future.
Cloaked in robes of silver-brown, their faces ever shrouded by the Veil of the Seer - a cloak spun from the finest grey silk that bore the weight of countless visions. Upon their hands, they wore gloves that shared the robe's motif.
These prophets, with their cryptic utterances and riddles, became the subject of many a tale, and kings and queens sought their counsel, navigating the treacherous waters of destiny with the aid of these luminous guides.
Blind Prophet's Garb
Wondrous Item (robe), rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This silver-brown robe weaves an ever-changing tapestry of constellations and celestial events, subtly indicating the flow of fate.
While wearing the robe, you can enter a trance for 1 minute. During this time, you are incapacitated, but you gain insight into a single event in the future. This functions similarly to the Augury spell, but you receive a detailed vision rather than a simple omen. Once used, this feature can't be used again until the next dusk.
Veil of the Seer
Wondrous Item (cloak), legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
The cloak’s silk shimmers, reflecting dreams and thoughts of those who dare gaze upon it, guarding the face and intentions of the wearer.
Cloak's Insight. While wearing this cloak, you gain blindsight up to a range of 30 feet.
Eyes of the Blind Prophet. As an action, you can close your physical eyes and open your mind's eye, gaining truesight out to a range of 60 feet for 10 minutes. During this time, you are blind beyond this range. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be activated again until next dusk.
Seer's Choice. When attuned, and upon completing a short or long rest while wearing this cloak, choose one of the following benefits:
- Averted Fate. Once before the next short or long rest, when you are hit by a critical attack, you can use your reaction to treat the attack as a regular hit instead.
- Destiny's Reweave. Once before the next short or long rest, after you make a d20 roll but before the result is determined, you can choose to reroll the die. You must use the new roll.
- Prophetic Force. Once before the next short or long rest, after rolling damage for an attack or spell and before the damage is dealt, if more than half the dice show results that are equal to or less than half their maximum value, you can choose to reroll all those dice. Use the new rolls for the damage.
Prophet's Touch
Wondrous Item (gloves), very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
These silver-brown gloves match the robe perfectly, with the same celestial patterns swirling across their surface.
Once per day, after touching a creature with these gloves, you can cast the Divination spell without expending a spell slot or material components. The answers you receive through this method are exceptionally vivid, sometimes providing brief visions instead of mere words or feelings. You regain the ability to activate this at dusk.
3-Set Bonus: Prophet's Blessing
Whenever you make a Wisdom (Insight) or Intelligence (Investigation) check, you can roll an additional d6 and add the number rolled to the check. Additionally, while wearing the complete set, you can understand and speak Celestial.