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Dark Alva

Born from the profound depths of hidden caves and the ethereal bloom-lit grottoes, the Dark Alva weave a tale of enigma and allure. With their refined features and deep-toned skin, they capture the beauty of darkness and the grace of the subterranean. Encountering a Dark Alva is to experience the paradoxical charm of elegance birthed in shadowed sanctuaries.

An exceptional characteristic of the Dark Alva is their tendency to be born as identical quadruplets. This rare phenomenon is attributed to the unique floral origin that gives them life. The rare flower from which they arise often blooms with several identical blossoms simultaneously. This simultaneous bloom results in groups of Dark Alva siblings who are not just bound by familial ties, but also by the intricate and delicate threads of shared origin.

Throughout the ages, they've been known by many names: Luminous Whisperers, Grotto's Grace, and Bloomkind. However, within their circles and to those who comprehend their mysterious origins, they remain the Dark Alva, guardians of the unseen and the rarely explored.

Ancient tales speak of their unique birthright, sprouting from rare flowers that thrive in the silent embrace of hidden caves, watered by concealed springs. Their bond with these subterranean wonders makes them both its protectors and cherished offspring.

In today's era, they stand as gatekeepers, linking the secrets of their silent world with the bustling life above, guiding and enchanting those fortunate to cross their path.


Dark Alva communities, known as 'Bloomholds', nestle within the embrace of secluded caves, where the gentle glow of unique flora lights their homes. These sanctuaries are marvels of artistry, blending the living flora with the natural beauty of the caves. Within these Bloomholds, age-old traditions and fresh perspectives meld seamlessly.

Dark Alva society reveres harmony and balance. Elders, termed 'Luminary Guides', offer wisdom drawn from the dance of shadow and silence. While heritage is respected, one's role isn't bound by it. Instead, an individual's affinity for specific flowers or cave realms determines their societal stature.

Transactions aren't just material exchanges but are profound transfers of knowledge, tales, and memories. Each crafted item, each song, carries with it the heartbeat of a memory, linking the community in shared experiences.

Though many Dark Alva find solace within their Bloomholds, some venture into the world above, compelled by a thirst for knowledge and a passion to share their unique culture. These ambassadors serve as storytellers, diplomats, and lorekeepers, ensuring the story of the Dark Alva reaches every willing ear.

Traditions of the Dark Alva

Luminary Embrace: An intimate rite where nascent Dark Alva bond with the flowers of their origin, drawing strength and purpose.

Echo's Serenade: A cherished tradition of harmonizing with the subtle sounds of their cave homes, creating melodies that tell tales of bygone eras.

Grotto Glide: Amidst the gentle glow of their sanctuaries, Dark Alva move in graceful dances, their steps mirroring the serenity and might of their homes.

Cave's Confession: As a rite of passage, each Dark Alva delves into the quietest corners of their domain, listening and learning from the whispers of their surroundings.


Dark Alva names are often inspired by the delicate flora that birthed them, the enigmatic depths from which they emerged, and the tales of shadow and bloom that intertwine their history.

Male Names:

  • Floros: Evoking the rich flora that shapes their essence.
  • Umbrin: Drawing from the soft shades of their twilit realm.
  • Talisar: Echoing the intricate patterns of root and vine.
  • Noctheron: A nod to the peace and secrets of the night.
  • Lumeos: Reminiscent of the soft glow found in their mysterious domain.

Female Names:

  • Petalia: Reflecting the petals of the flowers that birth multiples of their kind.
  • Shadea: Embracing the gentle embrace of the shadows they adore.
  • Lyselle: A testament to the gentle luminosity of their environment.
  • Tenebrisel: Capturing the harmonious dance between light and dark.
  • Silvanya: Conjuring images of the silvery shimmers that dance across their homeland.

Duskborn Alva

From regions where the penumbral beauty of twilight is forever captured, the Duskborn Alva come forth. Their skin, reminiscent of the hues painted by the setting sun against a dusky sky, captures the very essence of transitional light — not quite day, yet not total darkness. Their eyes shimmer with the final traces of daylight, encapsulating the serenity of a world preparing for night.


Known as 'Twilightholds', the settlements of Duskborn Alva sit right at the threshold of light and shadow. These environments have honed their diplomatic and mediation skills, often resolving disputes and ensuring harmony between varying factions of Dark Alva and even between other races.


Dusk's Embrace: A silent congregation where Duskborns gather to appreciate the changing hues of their environment, symbolizing acceptance and change.

Veil Vigil: On certain nights, they stand guard, ensuring the seamless transition of power from day to night within their lands, embodying their role as intermediaries.

Deepbloom Alva

In the heart of the quietest sanctums, where the world's cacophony is but a distant murmur, the Deepbloom Alva thrive. Their skin, deep as midnight yet enriched with shades of indigo, speaks of an existence in pure tranquility. Their eyes, akin to sapphires, hold mysteries that many would traverse lifetimes to understand.


Deepbloom enclaves, often termed 'Bloomvaults', are stunning galleries of the rarest subterranean flora. Each flower and plant is treated with utmost reverence, reflecting the Deepbloom's intrinsic bond with the very source of their creation. With their unparalleled knowledge of subterranean botany, they serve as herbalists and healers, weaving potent mixtures that can heal or harm.


Blossom's Breath: At the peak of their flora's bloom, Deepblooms hold ceremonies to imbibe the essence of these plants, reinforcing their bond and drawing strength from them.

Echoing Resonance: Deep within their territories, melodic chants reverberate, a homage to the timeless beauty and wisdom of the subterranean wonders.


Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Age. Born from rare flowers, Dark Alva mature by the age of 25 and can live up to 750 years.

Alignment. Dark Alva have a natural inclination towards neutrality, often serving as mediators and harmonizers.

Size. Dark Alva stand between 5 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Darkvision with Penumbral Precision. Accustomed to the shadowed groves of their birthplaces, Dark Alva have exceptional vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Additionally, when making Wisdom (Perception) checks in darkness or dim light within this range, you add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus. In complete darkness, you see no colors, only shades of gray.

Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of the attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Natural Diplomats. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.

Floral Blossom. As an action, once per long rest, you can tap into the vitality of your floral origins to regain hit points equal to your level.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.


Deepbloom Alva

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1. Deepblooms have a deep understanding of the mysteries of the subterranean world.

Botanical Mastery. You can harvest herbs without the need for an Herbalism Kit. When you use an Herbalism Kit, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make with it.

Deepbloom Essence. You have resistance to poison damage, and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.

Duskborn Alva

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Dusk's Mirage. As a reaction when you are targeted by an attack, you can cloak yourself in a shifting pattern of twilight shadows, causing the attacker to reroll their attack. They must use the new roll. After using this ability, you must complete a short or long rest before using it again.

Dusk Whisperer. Your attunement to the twilight hours grants you unique communicative abilities. You can cast the Message cantrip without requiring any material components. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for it. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.



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