Halo's Judgement - 8th-Level Enchantment (Premium Supplement) (Patreon)
⚖️✨🌟 Would you withstand the blinding brilliance of truth? Can you bear the weight of a deafening chorus of divine voices, each assessing your worth? Dare you face your deepest fears, rendered real before your eyes? Could you break free from the luminous chains that seek to bind your spirit? And when the final trial comes, will your spirit stand or be paralyzed by the weight of your deeds?
Do not mistake my words for mere intimidation. This is a warning, a testament to what awaits those who stand against the divine and its chosen.
Should you choose to challenge or betray our sacred tenets, remember this day, remember this power, and ponder if you are ready to face judgment.
Repent, or be judged. ⚖️✨🌟
8th-level enchantment
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a golden ring that is not consumed)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Upon casting this spell, a blazing golden halo forms above a creature you can see within range. The halo subjects the creature to a series of divine trials, testing its resolve and spirit.
At the start of each of the target's turns, it must make a Wisdom saving throw as it faces a new layer of the halo's judgment. Depending on how many consecutive saving throws the creature has previously failed, the following effects apply:
- First Failed Save: The creature takes 4d10 radiant damage and is blinded by the overwhelming brilliance of the halo.
- Second Consecutive Failed Save: The creature takes an additional 5d10 radiant damage and is deafened by a divine chorus.
- Third Consecutive Failed Save: The creature takes an additional 6d10 radiant damage and becomes frightened as it confronts its deepest fears.
- Fourth Consecutive Failed Save: The creature takes an additional 7d10 radiant damage and is restrained by luminous chains of judgment.
- Fifth Consecutive Failed Save: The creature takes an additional 8d10 radiant damage and becomes paralyzed by the weight of its transgressions.
A successful saving throw halts the progression and prevents that turn's effects, but the creature must start its trials anew from the first layer if it fails another save during the spell's duration. If the creature succeeds on three consecutive saves, the spell ends.