Mace of the Old Gods - Magic Item (Patreon)
👁️🔨👁🗨In a time long obscured by the veil of history, during the era of the Old Gods, dark forces and enigmatic entities held dominion over the world. From this arcane epoch emerged artifacts of immeasurable might and mystery. One such relic is the Mace of the Old Gods, its design echoing the unsettling aesthetics of that age. With a handle wrought from crimson sinew, thorns jutting like the angry spines of some primordial creature, it culminates in a visage that haunts the beholder: a vast, unblinking green eye, ringed with jagged, ominous spikes. Forged in eldritch fires and imbued with the unfathomable essence of the Old Gods themselves, this mace whispers of stories untold and powers best left dormant. Those who dare to wield it are reminded of a world where these deities reigned supreme, and mortals trembled. 👁️🔨👁🗨
Mace of the Old Gods
Weapon (mace), legendary (requires attunement)
The head of the mace is shaped into a grotesque, oversized green eye, unblinking and always watching, surrounded by jagged spikes that seem to pulsate with dark intent. The crimson handle, appearing as if wrapped in sinewy tissue, is adorned with irregular thorns. The sheer presence of the mace feels as if it's a direct conduit to ancient deities long forgotten, yet yearning to be remembered.
The mace can store up to 7 charges, gaining a charge for each successful hit on a creature.
Ever-Watchful. While holding the mace, the wielder can detect any invisible creature within 10 feet, as the eye's piercing gaze unsettles even those unseen.
Pulse of the Ancients. For each charge the mace holds, it inflicts an additional 1 psychic damage on a hit.
Gaze of the Eldritch. When the mace holds 4 or more charges, the eye begins to weep a thick, black ichor. When you successfully hit a creature, you can choose to release this ichor, forcing the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 20) or become paralyzed with visions of ancient horrors until the end of its next turn. Using this feature consumes 3 charges.
Unleash the Void. At 7 charges, the eye on the mace pulsates with a vibrant, unsettling green. When you strike a creature, it suffers 4d10 psychic damage as fragmented visions of ancient horrors flood its mind. Additionally, the struck creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 20). On a failed save, it is engulfed in writhing shadows and teleported to a random location within 60 feet (GM chooses). Using this ability consumes all charges.
After combat, the mace releases any residual energy, forming a protective shield around the wielder. For each charge lost this way, you gain 5 temporary hit points.
Curse of the Elders. Attuning to the Mace of the Old Gods binds your essence with the forgotten might of ancient deities. As their will seeks dominance over your spirit, your vitality diminishes. While attuned to this weapon, your hit point maximum is reduced by 20. This reduction cannot be offset by any means and remains until the attunement ends. Once the attunement is broken, the hit point maximum returns to its original value.