Ring of Desolation - Magic Item (Patreon)
💀🥀💍 Delve into the mysteries of life, death, and the natural cycle with the haunting Ring of Desolation! Crafted by druids of ancient times, this ring has been passed down through generations, worn by those who tread the fine line between the living world and the realm beyond.
These druids possess a profound understanding of the delicate balance of existence. They recognize that life and death are two sides of the same coin and embrace the powers of decay and rebirth in their rituals and ceremonies.
With its intricate thorns and morose skulls, the Ring of Desolation embodies the druids' reverence for both the nurturing and the destructive aspects of nature. If legends hold true, donning this ring allows its bearer to harness the ebbing energies of summoned beings on the brink of dissipating back into the ether.
Step into the enigmatic world of these druids, and discover the profound secrets sealed within the Ring of Desolation. 💀🥀💍
Ring of Desolation
Ring, rare (requires attunement by a druid)
This enigmatic ring is constructed of an archaic, dark metal and features an intricate pattern of deep purple thorns entwined around its surface. Several meticulously carved skulls are set into the band, their haunting visages seeming to observe the world.
Desolate Preservation. When one of your summoned creatures is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to prevent it from vanishing. Instead, it persists until the end of your next turn. The creature gains the undead type in addition to its original type, bestowing upon it a hybrid nature. For the duration of this effect, any spells or abilities that target either the creature's original type or the undead type will affect the creature. You can only have one summoned creature benefit from this effect at a time.
Hybrid Nature. This creature is considered both its original type and undead for the purpose of spells and abilities.
Thorns of the Void. While in this undead state, sharp, dark thorns protrude from the creature's form. Any creature that hits the summoned being with a melee attack takes 1d4 piercing damage and 1d4 necrotic damage as the thorns retaliate.