Wraps of the Thundering Cyclone - Magic Item (Premium Supplement) (Patreon)
🌀✋⚡ In the bustling heart of the city square, atop a makeshift platform of old crates, a wild-eyed figure draped in tattered robes stands tall. His voice, although tinged with a touch of madness, carries with it an eerie weight that draws the attention of passersby.
"Hear me, O citizens of this great city!", he bellows, lifting a shaking hand to the heavens. "For I have seen the portents and witnessed the omens! The storm... the storm is here, but not in the skies! No, it rages within... within the very Wraps of the Thundering Cyclone!"
The crowd murmurs, and a few gather closer, drawn by his fervor.
"These are not mere trinkets, oh no!" He continues, his voice a raspy whisper, forcing the gathering crowd to lean in. "Within these wraps, bound by ancient rites and sealed by forgotten magics, thrashes the mighty Elder Tempest! A force of nature, a deity of the winds, a ruler of the stormy skies... TRAPPED! Imprisoned, not by chains, but by threads and weaves!"
His eyes, wild and frenzied, dart across the gathering crowd as he raises the wraps high above his head. They shimmer and dance with an inner light, and the distant sound of thunder seems to echo from them.
"Do you not feel its power?! The restless energy, the fury, the sheer force of the tempest?!" He pauses for a breath, his chest heaving. "Beware! For while its power is contained now, who knows when the storm will break free? When the tempest shall unleash its wrath upon the world once more?"
He lowers the wraps, clutching them close to his chest, a mania evident in his gaze. "The storm is here," he murmurs, almost to himself, "and woe betide those who dare to harness it."
With that, the doomsayer steps down, leaving the murmuring crowd with more questions than answers, and the air charged with tension. 🌀✋⚡
Wraps of the Thundering Cyclone
Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)
These wrist wraps are made from a fine material that shimmers with a blue hue, reminiscent of a stormy sea. They are decorated with patterns of swirling winds and interspersed with threads that seem to move and dance like lightning.
Galeforce Punch. When you hit with an unarmed strike, you can invoke the stormy power of the wraps to deal an additional 1d8 thunder damage to the target. This thunderous energy creates a loud boom audible up to 300 feet away.
Impenetrable Cyclone. As a reaction to being targeted by an ranged attack, you can summon a protective cyclone around you. This cyclone lasts until the end of your next turn. While surrounded by this cyclone, all ranged attacks against you are deflected, causing them to miss. You regain the ability to activate this at next dawn.
Attuning to the Wraps. To attune to the Wraps of the Thundering Cyclone, a user must stand atop a high place during a storm, allowing the winds and rain to buffet them, while they tie the wraps around their wrists.