Smiley Armor - Magic Item (Patreon)
😄🍃🛡️ Once upon a time in a perky little forest, a tree named Timbertwit grew with an everlasting grin on its wooden visage. Curiously, all the creatures of the forest felt uncommonly cheerful whenever they lingered near its friendly boughs. A whimsical sorcerer, wandering through and chuckling at the tree’s uplifting aura, decided to carve a bit of its bark to create an armor, ensuring to carve a plethora of smiley faces into it, echoing Timbertwit’s cheerful disposition. Now, this “Smiley Armor” wanders the lands, bearing the boundless jubilance of a singularly happy tree, bringing unexpected grins wherever it goes! 😄🍃🛡️
Smiley Armor
Armor (any medium), uncommon (requires attunement)
Crafted from resilient bark, hosts carved smiley faces across its surface. Every face is uniquely expressive, ranging from jubilant grins to sly smirks. When worn, these faces animate subtly.
While wearing this Smiley Armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. The carved smiling faces animate to match your emotional state. When you take damage, you may use your reaction to reduce the damage by 1d6 as the faces grimace and chuckle, momentarily absorbing some of the pain.
Curse. Once the Smiley Armor is donned, it cannot be doffed unless you are the target of the remove curse spell or similar magic. The animated faces transparently reveal your emotions and intentions to observers, giving you disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks.If you are reduced to 0 hit points and then revived or stabilized, the carved faces express sorrow and you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or be overcome with sadness, gaining one level of exhaustion until you finish a long rest.