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🌌⚔️🔮 Wooooooah, mates, gather 'round, gather 'round! I got a story to blow your boots off! 'Twas a gnome, aye, tiny fella with a HUGE spirit, named Rizzlefizz Stardust, an astral pirate of grand tales! He roamed the Astral Plane with his snazzy set, the Astral Magebuckler, and OooOooh, it was SHINY! Galaxies swirled within the blade and the pistol, oh! a magnificent piece of ART, it was! This teeny-weeny fella, with his big, floppy hat, pointy shoes, and the set, he zip-zapped through the stars, not a care in the universe!

One day, Rizzlefizz, our gnome hero, found himself in a real noodle-scratcher of a situation, confronted by Astral Dreadnoughts! Oi! But with his trusty scimitar and his brrrrrrrrap brrrrrrrap repeater, he sliced and zapped, jumping and twirling like a tiny dynamo of STARDUST, fueled by unbounded excitement and, possibly, an unhealthy amount of sugar snacks! PEW PEW PEW, went his repeater, causing even the dreaded monsters to quake in their astral boots!

The universe echoed with his giggles as he darted and danced, his tiny form, all aglow with magic and mischief. He'd swing his scimitar, and a trail of stars would follow! Then, with a twirl and a flick, he'd shoot astral fire from his repeater, lighting up the endless astral sea with a brilliant cascade of colors! With his set, the Astral Magebuckler, he could sneak like a whisper and appear like a wisp, always one step ahead, one twirl away from the snapping jaws of the abyss!

The stories, oh, they speak of his daring escapes, adventurous spirit, and that one time he made an astral whale do a backflip! A BACKFLIP, can you believe it?! But most of all, they talk of the tiny gnome with an unstoppable spirit, armed with his beautiful, mysterious, ASTONISHING Magebuckler set, proving to every soul, in every plane, that the universe itself can be swayed with enough cheek, charm, and a dash of reckless excitement!

And so, Rizzlefizz Stardust, the tiny gnome with the universe in his grasp, became a legend, his tales of misadventure and radiant joy echoing through every nook and cranny of the astral sea, forevermore. What a guy, what a legend, what an absolute CHAMPION of astral tomfoolery!

And that, my friends, is the rollercoaster of Rizzlefizz Stardust, the tiniest, mightiest astral pirate that ever did pirouette through the astral waves! 🌌⚔️🔮


Astralmage Headdress

Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by a wizard)

This enchanting blue wizard hat, adorned with yellow, gently pulsing stars and a prominently featured silver emblem, encapsulates the ethereal and mesmerizing expanse of the astral cosmos.

While wearing the headdress, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill, and you have advantage on Arcana checks related to the Astral Plane. The headdress can be used as a spellcasting focus for your wizard spells and possesses 5 charges, regaining all expended charges daily at dawn. You can use the charges in the following ways while wearing it:

  • As an action, you can expend 1 charge to cast the spell arcane eye without using a spell slot and material components.
  • While an arcane eye is active, you can expend 1 charge as a bonus action to cast a wizard cantrip through it, using the eye’s location as the origin point for the spell.
  • When you cast a divination spell, you can expend 1 charge to allow a creature you can see within 30 feet of you to reroll one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw it makes within the next minute. The creature must use the new roll.

Dragonmage Repeater

Weapon (pistol), legendary (requires attunement by a wizard)

This exquisitely crafted bronze pistol, adorned with a blue-hued dragon sculpture, is designed with a seamless repeater mechanism.

The Dragonmage Repeater does not use traditional ammunition and does not have the loading property. Additionally, while attuned to and wielding this magical firearm, you gain proficiency with it. It harnesses your arcane power to create force projectiles, allowing you to make a ranged spell attack, with a range of 80/320 feet, dealing 1d10 + your spellcasting ability modifier force damage on a hit.

Astral Flame. After casting a divination spell of 1st level or higher, you may choose to activate the Astral Flame as a reaction. A burst of fire erupts from the dragon, creating a line 5 feet wide and 10 feet long. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC equals your spell save DC), taking 2d8 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Astral Suspension. The Dragonmage Repeater is considered a light weapon and does not adhere to the normal constraints of gravity. When not held, it remains in a fixed position, suspended in the air, at the height and orientation it was last left. This effect does not impact its usage or its ability to be moved or carried; it simply prevents it from falling if released.

Scimitar of the Astral Magebuckler

Weapon (scimitar), very rare (requires attunement by a rogue)

The scintillating blade of this scimitar is embedded with a faint view of galaxies, quietly swirling within the cold steel, offering a glimpse into the astral mysteries it contains.

While wielding and attuned to the Scimitar of the Astral Magebuckler, your Intelligence score and maximum increases by 2, to a maximum of 22. The weapon has a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

Mental Precision. Use your Intelligence modifier for attack and damage rolls made with this weapon instead of Dexterity.

Astral Agility. If you deal sneak attack damage during your turn, you can move without provoking opportunity attacks until the end of your turn.

3 Set Bonus

When you cast a divination spell while attuned to the Astral Magebuckler set:

  • Spells with a casting time of 1 action can be cast as a bonus action.
  • Spells with a casting time of 1 minute can be cast as an action.
  • Spells with a casting time of 10 minutes can be cast in 1 minute.
  • Spells with a casting time of 1 hour can be cast in 10 minutes.



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