Spelleater Armor - Magic Item (Premium Supplement) (Patreon)
🌌🌀🔮 In a realm far away, beyond the vast reaches of wildspace, a unique fusion of energies birthed the Spelleater designs. Craftsmen of this realm, inspired by the interplay of these energies, began to produce two distinct items harnessing the realm's innate power: the Spelleater Axe and the Spelleater Armor.
The Spelleater Axe was conceived with the capability to absorb and reallocate arcane energies. Designed as both an instrument of defense and a weapon, its strikes resonate with the essence of its distant homeland, severing both physical and magical entities with unparalleled finesse.
Similarly, the Spelleater Armor was developed as a safeguard. Donned by many in that distant realm, it provides its wearers the unique ability to harness incoming arcane surges, diverting them to fortify their protective barrier. 🌌🌀🔮
Spelleater Armor
Armor (any armor), rare (requires attunement)
This intimidating armor appears to be forged from a combination of dark and organic materials. Dominating the armor are three monstrous heads: the central head has a gaping maw, while the other two heads, positioned over each shoulder, sport menacing fangs and watchful eyes. Luxurious fur contrasts with the dark material, lending an eerie elegance to the wearer.
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Spelleater Reaction. If a spell targets you and only you (not including an area spell), you can use your reaction to attempt to redirect the spell into one of the side mouths of the armor. Make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against a DC of 10 + the spell's level. On a success, one of the mouths consumes the spell, preventing its effects, and you gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. On a failure, the spell is cast as normal.
Aura of Intimidation. The fearsome appearance of the Spelleater Armor grants you advantage on Intimidation checks against creatures that can see you.