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🍈🔮⚪ The Hexhold Ball, an iconic symbol of artificery, traces its origin to the enigmatic tinkerer Vaxil Krendor. Vaxil, often hailed as the "Beast Whisperer" of the northern realms, was first to harness the magic that allows the capture and containment of creatures within an object. Rumor has it that his inspiration was a peculiar round fruit from distant lands which, when thrown, would pop and release spores that lulled beasts into submission. 

Krendor's first prototype was a spherical gemstone. However, it shattered upon the capture of a feisty sprite, releasing a burst of arcane energy that painted the night sky with ethereal hues. This incident led him to develop a more resilient design using wooden orbs. 

Over time, as the Hexhold Ball gained popularity, an increased demand led to the creation of the Greater Hexhold Ball, a version with amplified capabilities. Elite trainers and battlemages sought these orbs, especially in underground combat circles where stronger creatures clashed. Yet, few knew that the process of enhancing the ball involved merging it with heartwood from the rare Drifting Eldertrees, trees that levitate and wander ancient forests. 

Interestingly, while many have tried to replicate Krendor's design, few have succeeded. Some believe that the whisperer had a secret – a pact or bond with creatures of the wild. This connection, they say, is what made the Hexhold Ball truly special. Others think it's the minute runes carved into it, visible only under a crescent moon. Whatever the truth, these balls remain a testament to the prowess and innovation of artificery. 🍈🔮⚪


Hexhold Ball

Prerequisite: 6th-level artificer

Item: Orb

The Hexhold Ball is a small orb, masterfully constructed with arcane engravings. As an action, you can target a creature you can see within 30 feet and attempt to capture it. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. If the creature has more than half its hit point maximum remaining, it makes this saving throw with advantage. On a failure, the creature is captured and becomes bound to the Hexhold Ball. Only one creature can be bound to the ball at a time. The Hexhold Ball can capture creatures with a Challenge Rating (CR) of 1 or lower.

When you reach 12th level, if a creature bound to the Hexhold Ball has a higher CR variant of its race, it can evolve, increasing its CR to a maximum of 3. This evolution doesn't occur automatically; you must choose to allow the creature to evolve.

In combat, as an action, you can summon the bound creature to a space you can see within 30 feet for up to 10 minutes. The creature acts on its own initiative, directly after yours, and follows your commands. If the creature is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't die but must make death saving throws as usual. If the creature survives the encounter, it can regain all its lost hit points by spending a long rest inside the Hexhold Ball.

Once per day, during a short rest, you can release the creature from the Hexhold Ball for non-combative activities such as feeding. However, if the creature sees an opportunity, it might attempt to flee. Recapturing it requires another successful use of the Hexhold Ball.

The ability to summon the bound creature from the Hexhold Ball can be used once per day and is regained at dawn.

Greater Hexhold Ball

Prerequisite: 14th-level artificer

Item: Hexhold Ball

The Greater Hexhold Ball retains all the properties and functions of a standard Hexhold Ball but is empowered with more potent enchantments. With this enhanced item, you can target and attempt to capture creatures with a Challenge Rating (CR) of 3 or lower.

Upon reaching the 18th level as an artificer, any creature contained within the Greater Hexhold Ball that has a higher CR version of its race can evolve, enhancing its CR to a maximum of 5. As with the standard Hexhold Ball, this evolution isn't automatic and must be initiated by the artificer.

