Robe of Seasons - Magic Item (Premium Supplement) (Patreon)
Spring Robe: As you dawn the Spring variant of the Robe of Seasons, a gentle warmth envelops you, the dungeon's cold stone floor sprouting tiny flowers wherever you step. With a motion of your hands, radiant energy surrounds you, healing a nearby wounded comrade. Their wounds slowly close, replaced by a feeling of rejuvenation. 🌱🦋🌦
Summer Robe: The moment you slip on the Summer robe, the room seems to grow warmer, the air crackling with energy. With confidence, you raise your arm, sending forth a bolt of sizzling energy at the approaching enemy. The bolt strikes, causing them to recoil, steam rising from the impact point. ☀️🏖🍉
Autumn Robe: Donning the Autumn robe, a gentle, comforting coolness embraces you. The vibrant colors of fall seem to paint themselves across the fabric. As a goblin lunges at you, you gesture towards it, and a gust of wind filled with swirling leaves pushes it back, leaving it dazed and disoriented, surrounded by a dance of falling leaves. 🍂🎃🍎
Winter Robe: Pulling on the Winter robe, you immediately feel an icy chill, though not uncomfortable. The robe shimmers like fresh snow under moonlight. Spotting a group of bandits, you outstretch your hands, summoning a swirling vortex of snow and frost. The enemies find themselves trapped, their movements slowed as the biting cold saps their strength. ❄️⛄🌨
Robe of Seasons
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This exquisite robe, crafted from the pure essence of nature, captures the ever-changing power and splendor of the seasons. Designs of leaves, sunbeams, snowflakes, and blossoms elegantly shift and transform across its fabric.
At the end of a long rest, the wearer can meditate upon the robe, willing it to adopt the form and magic of one of the four seasons. This choice remains until the end of the wearer's next long rest.
Spring. The robe becomes a vibrant shade of green, with budding leaves and blossoming flowers gently fluttering around it. While wearing the robe in this form, any spell of the Conjuration school cast by the wearer has its duration extended by 50%. Additionally, once per day, the wearer can touch a wilted plant, restoring it to full life and vigor.
Summer. The robe takes on a sunlit golden hue, warm to the touch. The wearer can, once per day, invoke the brilliance of the summer sun, creating a radiant aura in a 10-foot radius. Creatures of the wearer's choice in this area regain hit points equal to half the wearer's spellcasting ability modifier (minimum 1) at the start of their turns while they remain inside, for a duration of 1 minute.
Autumn. The robe is emblazoned in brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows. In this form, once per day, the wearer can release a gust of wind that carries the scents and sensations of a crisp autumn day. Creatures in a 20-foot cone must make a Wisdom saving throw or become charmed, reminiscing about fond memories, until the end of their next turn.
Winter. The robe turns an icy blue, appearing as if woven from frost and snowflakes. The wearer gains the ability to walk atop snow and ice without sinking or slipping. Additionally, once per day, they can summon a blizzard in a 20-foot-radius sphere. The area becomes heavily obscured, and creatures within it at the start of their turn take cold damage equal to the wearer's spellcasting ability modifier (minimum 1).