Sun's Judgment - Magic Item (Patreon)
🔨⚡️☀️ Pull up a stool and lend me your ears, for this is no mere blacksmith's fable.
It was many an age ago, before yer kin or mine had laid their marks upon these lands, that a dwarf by the name o' Thrain, a master of the forge whose skill was unmatched, dreamt of a creation that would endure the ages. Thrain was not content with the earthbound metals and jewels; his eyes were ever turned to the fiery heart of the sun itself.
Ye see, it was whispered that in the core of the sun, amidst the raging inferno, there was a fire - a flame that could forge not just metal but destiny itself. Thrain became consumed with the notion of capturing this flame, of bending it to his will, to craft a weapon of such might and majesty.
So it was that Thrain set upon a quest, a journey fraught with peril, through realms untold and dangers unnumbered. He sought the counsel of wizards, the blessings of clerics, and the secrets of ancient tomes that spoke of the sun's fiery core.
After a time, which some say was years and others claim was but moments, for time is a strange thing in the tales of old, Thrain came upon the knowledge he sought. It was not enough to forge in the heat of a mountain's heart; no, he must reach into the sun itself.
And so, armed with enchantments and clad in a suit of armor wrought from the essence of mountains, Thrain ascended. The dwarves tell of how the sky blazed with light as Thrain met the sun, of how the earth trembled with the force of their meeting.
In that moment, within the celestial forge, Thrain toiled. With hammer and tongs crafted from the bones of the earth, he worked, and the sun's core yielded to his command. From this union of master smith and celestial fire, Sun's Judgment was born - a hammer imbued with the essence of the sun, radiant and mighty.
Now, let it be said that Thrain returned, but he was not unchanged. His eyes shone like twin suns, and his beard was as the rays of dawn. Sun's Judgment, the hammer he bore, was said to hold the sun's wrath and its warmth, capable of cleaving through darkness and healing the wounded.
Now, off with ye. 🔨⚡️☀️
Sun's Judgment
Weapon (warhammer), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of good alignment)
Forged in the core of a sun, this radiant warhammer glows with an inner fire that reflects the righteous fury and the unwavering resolve of those who wield it in the cause of justice.
This magical warhammer grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. When you hit with an attack using this weapon, the target takes an extra 1d8 fire damage and 1d8 radiant damage.
Sun's Avatar. As an action, you can invoke the true essence of the sun contained within Sun's Judgment, transforming into an Avatar of Radiant Sun for 1 minute. This transformation grants you the following effects:
- At the start of each of your turns, each hostile creature within a 10-foot radius of you takes 2d8 radiant damage. If you have 10 or more levels in the paladin class, the radius of this damaging aura increases to 30 feet.
- Any hostile creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of you takes 2d6 fire damage.
- At the start of your turn, a number of allied creatures up to your Charisma modifier with a minimum of one within 10 feet of you regain hit points equal to the radiant damage dice rolled, instead of taking damage. This radius extends to 30 feet if you have 10 or more levels in the paladin class
The transformation into Sun's Avatar lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it as a bonus action. Once you use this ability, you can’t use it again until next dawn or you are exposed to direct sunlight for 4 hours.