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🗡️✨🌌 High in the mountain ranges where twilight lingers and night never fully takes hold, a community of elves has mastered the craft of blending the heavens' light with earthly materials. These mountain elves, isolated from the world below, have developed the art of forging weapons that echo the celestial beauty of the twilight sky.

The Evenstar’s Edge is a testament to their craft. It is said that the purple crystal used to forge the blade is collected from a special place in the mountains where the stars' reflection on the earth is strongest. The forging process, a well-kept secret, involves capturing the dying light of day and the first light of evening stars, which is believed to bless the sword with a sliver of the sky's eternal magic.

For the mountain elves, these swords are a traditional armament, commonly crafted and carried by their warriors and guardians. They are used in defense of their secluded homes and in their solemn rituals that pay homage to the dance of day and night. To outsiders, however, these weapons are rare and often viewed with a mix of reverence and mystery. Evenstar’s Edge is known to be more than a mere blade—it's a symbol of the natural balance between light and dark, a balance the mountain elves hold sacred.

When an Evenstar’s Edge leaves the mountains, often in the hands of an adventurous elf or a trusted ally, it carries with it the essence of the mysterious peaks, the whispers of the twilight, and the silent watchfulness of the night sky. Each blade is a piece of the elves' heritage and a functional representation of their unique bond with the celestial cycle. 🗡️✨🌌


Evenstar’s Edge

Weapon (greatsword), rare (requires attunement)

Forged from a single, flawless crystal imbued with the fading light of a distant nebula, Evenstar’s Edge is a weapon of sublime beauty and deadly grace. Its translucent purple blade gleams with twilight essence, revealing a core that seems to contain the last breath of dusk.

While you are attuned to this weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

When you roll damage for this weapon, if any of the d6s roll an even number, you add an additional 1d6 radiant damage to the total damage. If at least two of the d6s are even, after resolving the initial damage, you can unleash a burst of stellar energy to make an additional melee attack against the same target as part of the same action. This additional attack deals an additional 2d6 radiant damage on a hit.



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