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⏳⚒️🌀 Forged in the heart of a timeless storm, the Timekeeper's Topper is an enigmatic relic from an age where time flowed like the wind—unpredictable and ever-changing. Crafted by the Chronomancer Vedivere, a master of temporal magics, this hand axe was his magnum opus, a tool to prune the timelines and a weapon to safeguard them.

Vedivere believed that time was a living, breathing entity, one that could suffer wounds from reckless arcane practices. As such, he took upon himself the mantle of Timekeeper, vowing to protect the continuum. ⏳⚒️🌀


Timekeeper's Topper

Weapon (handaxe), legendary (requires attunement)

The Timekeeper's Topper is a testament to the artistry of a master blacksmith who dared to fuse the arcane with the martial. The clock within the blade's heart ticks with a rhythm that belies the chaos of combat, its hands dancing to the silent music of war.

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

Time’s Critical. When you score a critical hit with this weapon, you can cast the time stop spell without expending a spell slot or material components as part of that action. After casting time stop this way, you must roll on the Temporal Effect table below. This effect cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Temporal Effect Table (d6):

1 - You briefly step out of time. You disappear and re-enter the initiative order at the end of the current round.

2 - Upon scoring a critical hit, a spectral duplicate of you appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet. The duplicate uses your statistics and has one action, which it takes immediately after your turn. The duplicate then vanishes.

3 - The past echoes, allowing you to recover hit points as if you had used a Hit Die plus your Constitution modifier.

4 - You either age by a decade or appear younger by a decade (GM’s choice). This alteration lasts until your next long rest.

5 - For your next turn, your base movement speed increases by an additional amount equal to your current movement speed, effectively doubling it.

6 - A burst of temporal energy spreads out from you. Each creature within 15 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 15) or suffer 2d10 force damage due to the temporal shockwave.



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