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- Updated v1.1 -

🔰🐢🛡️ In a secluded wilderness, a group of nature's defenders revered the tortoise for its longevity and defense. Observing the creatures' ability to shield themselves with their sturdy shells, these protectors crafted armors using similar principles. They used durable materials combined with a touch of natural magic, creating what is now known as Chelonian Armor. 🔰🐢🛡️


Chelonian Armor

Armor (any medium), uncommon (requires attunement)

Forged from the enchanted shells of ancient, mystical tortoises, this medium armor blends natural resilience with crafted metalwork. The chest piece is the armor's centerpiece, featuring a hexagonal pattern reminiscent of a tortoise's carapace. Each segment is a masterful fusion of keratin and steel.

If the wearer has a Strength score of 13 or higher, they can use their action to enter a defensive stance until the start of their next turn. While in this stance, the wearer gains the benefits of three-quarters cover. Additionally, they have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone.



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