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We're excited to introduce our "Catch Up - Zip Files", a unique offering crafted for our new Dragon Archivist and Dragon Legend patrons. These caches are your gateway to download all our seasonal content in one convenient package, a perfect start for those joining our Patreon treasure trove.

Immerse yourself in the depths of our richly woven narratives, where each story and character is a testament to the spirit of tabletop gaming. Our Catch Up Caches are a one-time collection, designed to provide you with a comprehensive view of our past seasons' wonders. Please note, these archives are static and will not be updated. For the most recent and evolving content, we encourage you to explore our direct posts, where the latest chapters of adventure continuously unfold.

To accommodate Patreon's file size limits, we've skillfully crafted a split ZIP archive, ensuring easy and efficient access to our content while adhering to the 199 MB file size restriction.




What is a Z01 file? A .Z01 file is a Split ZIP Archive (part 1) file. Files with the .Z01 file extension are split ZIP archive files, created by WinZIP or compatible tools. WinZIP and other compression tools take collections of files and compress them into a single archive file, normally to save hard drive space and to make distributing the file collection easier. Archive files can get very big, and sometimes it is necessary to split them into smaller parts to fit on CDs or USB drives. When an archive file is split, each part of the archive is assigned a numbered file suffix. Files with the Z01 extension are part 1 of the split ZIP archive. The last part gets the file extension ZIP. To access the content of the .Z01 file, you will need to have all the archive part files in the same folder and open the last file (with file extension ZIP) with your compression tool. Some tools can also extract the archive if you select the Z01 file, but others will fail, so make it a habit to always open the .ZIP file.