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🌕🐺🛡️ Within the hidden groves of the world, where moonlight whispers through ancient trees, the Wild Moon Armors were born. These mystical armors were the creation of a circle of druids who worshipped the moon and its influence on nature's cycles. They believed in harmony between the beast and the soul, and thus, they bound the essence of the wild and the moon's transformative power into these armors. 🌕🐺🛡️


Wild Moon Armor

Armor (any medium), very rare (requires attunement)

This imposing armor is crafted from the enchanted wood of an ancient forest, with sigils of the ancient curse etched into its grain. The armor pulses with a feral essence, and the eyes of the carved beasts glow with an otherworldly light under the moon.

While wearing and attuned to the armor, you gain a +2 to your AC. In addition, this bonus applies to your natural armor when you are shapeshifted into any form that grants natural armor.

Curse of the Wild Moon. When you are attuned to and wearing this armor, you bear the curse of lycanthropy. In the presence of the moon, you can use your action to undergo a transformation into a lycanthrope. The specific form of lycanthropy you assume is selected when you first don the armor and can be altered only during a full moon. This transformation lasts until dawn or until you are reduced to 0 hit points, at which point you revert to your original form. If you choose to revert back to your normal form before dawn using an action, you suffer one level of exhaustion due to the strain on your body.



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