Impmaster's Darkwear - Magic Item (Legendary Archive) (Patreon)
🔥📜🔗 These dark leathers, they're not just fer show. They hold a power, a pact older than the eldest mountain. The fire in its runes? That's the bond 'tween me and the little fiery devil that serves at my call. It's a trusty little scoundrel, that imp, and with these vestments, it's got the might to scorch me enemies to cinders!
The scrollwork on it, intricate and old, that's the lore o' the pact. It's not just a tale or two, but the whole saga of warlocks and their familiars, bound together by more than mere magic. It's a bond that's stronger than the deepest roots of the mountains.
And these chains? They ain't just fer holdin' the armor together. They symbolize the link 'tween me and me imp, unbreakable as the forge's heat. And should the little fiend fall in battle, these chains pull 'em right back from the brink, ready to fight again at me side. 🔥📜🔗
Impmaster's Darkwear
Armor (studded leather), very rare (requires attunement by a warlock with the Pact of the Chain)
This daunting armor is inscribed with runes that glow with an inner fire, each one a testament to the bond between a warlock and their diabolic servant.
While wearing and attuned to this armor, you learn the firebolt cantrip, which you can cast using your spellcasting ability. If you already know this cantrip, you may instead learn another warlock cantrip. This learned cantrip does not count against the number of cantrips you can know.
Chainbound. If your Pact of the Chain familiar is within 100 feet of you, it also gains the ability to cast the firebolt cantrip using your spellcasting ability modifier and warlock level to determine the spell's damage.
Call of Inferno. As an ability of the armor, once per day, you can use an action to summon the spirit of your Pact of the Chain familiar back into existence if it has died. This is akin to casting the find familiar spell, but it requires no material components and the familiar's form coalesces next to you instead of requiring the usual ritual time.
Imp's Vengeance. If your familiar reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it revels in the destruction it has wrought, absorbing a fragment of the creature's departing life force. Your familiar gains temporary hit points equal to your warlock level. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute.