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It all started when I was but a wee sprout in the rolling hills of Tinkerton. Ah, those were the days, filled with the clatter of gears and the scent of blooming daisies. Gigglewick, they called me, for not a day went by without my pockets full of laughter and my mind whirring with tricks aplenty.

I was born with a spark of magic, you see, and an insatiable curiosity for the whimsical and the wondrous. As a young gnome, I’d often be found tinkering with spells, turning the mundane into the marvelous, much to the delight (and occasional dismay) of my kin. My favorite? Oh, it had to be the illusions, the ones that made your eyes twinkle with wonder.

As I grew, so did my love for the craft, and before long, I was known across Tinkerton as the wizard who could turn a frown upside down with but a flick of his wand. But what truly set my heart aflutter was the joy of surprise, the gasp of awe, the chuckle of delight. I longed to create something that would embody this, a spell that was my very essence.

So, I set forth on a journey, a quest of sorts, through the realms of magic and mirth. I studied with illusionists, jesters, and even a dragon or two (don't let their gruff exterior fool you; dragons love a good joke). My beard grew longer, my spells grew stronger, and my laughter grew louder.


Gigglewick's Wandering Wardrobe

2nd-Level Conjuration

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet

Components: V, S, M (a miniature brass key and a piece of fabric)

Duration: 8 hours

Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard

Upon casting this spell, a mystical wardrobe appears at a specified point within range. This ornately crafted, wooden wardrobe can house up to 10 different disguises. Any creature can step into the wardrobe, close its door, and emerge donning a new disguise.

Each disguise can include clothing, armor, weapons, and other personal belongings. The caster decides the nature of these disguises, which could range from the garb of a noble to the rags of a pauper, the armor of a knight, the robes of a mage, or even the attire of a foreign dignitary.

They last for the duration of the spell, after which they vanish. If the wardrobe is destroyed, the disguises immediately disappear.



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