Everliving Robe - Magic Item (Premium Supplement) (Patreon)
🌱💀🌀 The drake struck with lightning speed, its claws raking across his chest. He fell, his breath escaping in a final sigh. But as his body hit the ground, the mantle activated. His body dissolved into the earth, and a sapling shot up where he once lay. The air filled with a sudden burst of spores that splayed out around the sapling.
The drake recoiled, hissing as the spores enveloped it, penetrating its scales. It failed to resist the mantle's necrotic curse, its roars turning into gurgles as the poison claimed it.
We fought to defend the sapling, fending off the smaller minions attracted by the commotion. All the while, his voice echoed in our minds, offering guidance and encouragement from his sentient suspension between life and death.
Days passed, with us guarding the sapling against scavengers and the elements. Finally, on the dawn of the fifth day, the sapling withered, and he emerged, whole once more, his eyes reflecting the depth of his journey back from the veil.
The sapling had saved him, and in doing so, saved us all. 🌱💀🌀
Everliving Robe
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
This mystical mantle bears the intricate patterns of both life and decay. When worn, it grants a connection to the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
If the attuned wearer dies while wearing the mantle, their body is instantly consumed by a surge of nature's force, and in their place, a robust tree sapling emerges. The consciousness of the wearer persists within this sapling, allowing them to observe and sense their surroundings as if they were alive. While in this state, the wearer can communicate telepathically with any creature that touches the sapling.
Spores of the Final Breath. As the wearer's body is transformed, a burst of necrotic spores is released into the air within a 10-foot radius. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 15) or become poisoned for 1 hour. While poisoned in this way, the creature can't regain hit points, and at the start of each of its turns, it takes 1d6 necrotic damage.
If at least one creature dies from the spores released by the mantle, the wearer's soul is anchored to the material plane. After 2d4 days, the wearer is resurrected with all their hit points restored, emerging from the tree sapling, which withers away after their rebirth. This resurrection only occurs if the sapling remains undisturbed and intact throughout the duration.
Everliving Sapling. The sapling is unusually hardy, having an Armor Class of 15 and hit points equal to four times the wearer's character level. It is immune to poison, psychic, and necrotic damage. If the sapling is destroyed, the wearer's soul passes on, and resurrection is no longer possible.