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Hey guys. Quite some time.

Let's go straight to the point, ok?

I'm deeply sorry for the lack of weekly updates these last weeks, as well as for the delay in the update.

Multiple stuff has happened IRL that affected the development drastically, I'm not even sure if the amount of content I wanted in for this update will be possible.

The update is delayed, and due to these circumstances, I will continue development as usual, however, weekly updates won't be made, as I only want to focus on doing as much as I can.

Once more, I'm deeply sorry for these inconveniences, and I can only hope that in the end, the hassle is worth it with good results.

Thank you for your support, and until next time. <3



You do what you need. You're doing incredible work and we're simply here to support.


You're doing fine. Take your time.


Understood, thank You for the explanation, with this I can patiently wait as long as it takes


Oh don't sweat it, focus on what's really important. besides you'll be able to think straighter when you've got the time and motivation for it.


no te preocupes :D


Hey dude. I just wanted to check something. Are you alright? I mean you didn't wrote us for a long time and I am worried that something happened.


There are a lot of us really looking forward to this game, it's good work. I hope you're OK and not feeling discouraged.


You guys are ok? Haven't Heard from You in a long while


Yeah me too. I am a little bit worried. Just message from developer saying that everything is OK is enough for me.


a lot are people are worried but just know we will patiently wait and support this project. we know it aint easy


Still, no answer. Are there any news from developers?


I really love this project, I sincerely hope it isn't dead in the water.


Hope you guys are ok...

Goblin Character

As long as the project isn't cancelled I'm fine with a couple delays or whatever, life throws curve balls at us all from time to time. Please don't overwork yourself trying to make up for missed deadlines, just knock shit back at your own pace and focus on improving your situation. Take care, buddy.


Hey guys, still cooking. Don't worry. I'm really trying to drop something by the end fo this month, but I also said that the last month, and I don't want to keep promising if I can't deliver. I can only say for sure we are cooking, and whatever issues I had IRL, they are mostly gone, and I'm getting back on my feet.


hi! new here is 0.5.2 the latest version?


Fuck yeah! He is still alive! Good luck with the game dude. I will be waiting for news. Hope everything OK with your RL. Thanks for the answer.


Please dude, dont rush anything. Take as many time as you need 🙏


Hey dude if it’s not ready before the end of this month, or by August.Please don’t feel bad we can all wait for the release and know that you are always cooking something 👨‍🍳


I understand that development can be a struggle sometimes, but it's been months of no updates. It's also great to see how positive the community is around development. That being said, is there a possibility we could get some insight into what's going on? New art, new areas, any screenshot, etc. I really like this project and want to see it succeed, but my "wait and see" is running a little low, and I can't imagine I'm the only one. I'm not in favor of rushing updates, but I would like to see any proof that development is happening.


Hey, first, thank you for commenting. Secondly, I understand your concern, and we will be addressing this within a Patreon post. A lot of development mini-updates have been sprinkled within our Discord's Patreon Channel, and we will be compiling everything on the upcoming said post as well as why things have been slow. Rest assured, we have been working on the game in the background still and still continue to do so. Thank you for your patience, and thank you for bringing something up that others may have wanted to ask.

Lord Alvin

I hope to see more. I finished the whole campaign, and it's really good. Do you have any date for a new update on apk ? There also one bug I would like to communicate.