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Hey guys! Here we are with a short, yet, powerful weekly update. We've been focusing on the winner scene from the last poll, and we're glad to say we're almost done, and with a more than decent result!

Check this out! We'd say is 80% done leaving the Background aside. Honestly, we're very happy with the result despite being or very first time drawing AND animating a scene that includes sexual intercourse.

The scene will include multiple facial expressions for Elizabeth as well as different details, such as blushing, more sweat as it progresses, position for both MC's and Elizabeth's arms [you can see him grabing her by her neck] and potentially X-Ray, that's why you can see MC's penis above the whole animation.

 We're very satisfied knowing that we can work at this pace, and there's more to come soon!

That was it for this weely update! As we said, short, yet powerful.

Stay safe, and thank you for your support!



Keep it up! 👍

Shay Gillespie

Nice nice love it great work👍👍👍


Hatchet I could cry Y’all are going to make me cry 🙏🙏


I am thoroughly pleased but I will only be satisfied when a ring is on her finger 🗣️




This is so good you are cooking with this update! Finally elizabeth is getting some well deserved attention. Is the neck grabbing optional tho?


Do you have an approximate date when the update comes out?