Weekly Update (11/08/2023) (Patreon)
Hey guys! Here we are with another weekly update!
We apologize for the lack of updating this last week, but what we were currently doing wasn't done at all, but now that we can show you properly, now we can show you!
Dialogue and Interactions System! Now with Agnes and Celine as well!
Since Annie (who we was shown already), Celine and Agnes are the only girls with a sexual relationship with MC at the moment, it makes sense that only these 3 have interactions available for now, and now they DO have them! Check some of the interactions you can have with them!
But that's not all!
As the sub-heading says, this involves dialogue as well! Now you can make more use of the Free Roam system and talk with most of the girls with about many different subjects which, the more you keep going further into the events, the more dialogues will be unlocked!
It's a little bit more than someone would expect, so let me make a summary for you all!
Default: This part will have normal dialogue options, such as "Normal talk" and "Lewd Talk", both of them will trigger random dialogue pieces. You can also find the options that start quests here.
About: Here you can talk about one character with another one! You can see what do they think, ehem, about them, even about you!
Flattery: Right here you can find pretty words for your lady, I wonder what would their reactions be?
Question: Here you can ask pretty simple questions to the girl, such as "How are you?"
Action: Despite we adding the feature to click on the girl for an action, we still added the option to do it as an option in menu. It doesn't hurt anone, plus, with time we might add more interactions for one part of the body, so clicking might not be enough ;)
Girls Menu: Small Tweaks!
We've retouched a tiiiny little bit the girls menu, nothing too special. We gave it more order and slightly better looks. We also added a summary of your current romantic AND sexual relationship with the girls. You know how it goes, the more high it is, the different it will be.
Sex & Horny Events Ideas:
Now the spiciest part! We'll try to focus as much as we can into adding two sex scenes in this update, and as much "horny" events as we can.
Agnes might be a protagonist of one of these events, while Lilith will be part of at least one "horny" event. Check for yourself!
For now these are pure sketches, so they are open to changes! Any ideas are more than welcome in the comments and at our discord server!
That's it for today's Weekly Update! Stay safe and thank you for your support!