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Hi guys, we'd kike to start apologizing, once more, for taking one more week to update you, but trust us, we've been working quite a lot in writing more while renovating older content, and it's three things that we've improved this time! Without further ado, let's get started!

Revamp! Dahlia; (Don't worry, we are adding the old hairstyle too).

Just like... some red head girl that we don't talk about, Dahlia was also rushed in designing, and just like Maeve, she went through multiple redesigning, but now we've reached the best version of her design!

The new dress is not that different from what it was before, in fact, it is a perfect combination of her previous designs. While her hairstyle, in itself looked good, we didn't think it would look like a seamstress, so we went for the classic hair of death in the anime! Jokes aside (Dahlia is not going to die, don't worry, that's not what our game is), we believe that Dahlia is ready to gradually take more and more part of the story, in the future we shall see what we decide to write for her, but now, her sprites have been finalized, and we couldn't love her even more.

Oh, I just mentioned Maeve just before, didn't I? Speaking of her...

Slight, yet important revamp! Maeve! (Thick Thighs included!)

Maeve didn't get the receivement that we expected, but after giving Maeve a month's rest, we were able to see what pieces could be fixed, and with the help of the feedback we've received, I think that, just like Dahlia, Maeve has reached her peak in design, and we are completely in love with her now!

  • We started with the face, it didn't age very well, so I decided to give it a touch-up to make it look more tender and younger, after all, that's the strong point of Noikummi's artistic style: It's ADORABLE (Just like the vibes of this game).
  • Then I went to her body. The shape was not appropriate; Maeve had big breasts (Check!) but her torso, hips, and shoulders were not up to par, and she could have looked a little weird! So I increased the size of her torso, hips, thighs, arms, and shoulders (...and her breasts a little more as well, can't blame a dev, right?) so that they would fit perfectly. I don't regret the change, Maeve looks like a Goddess now!
  • Alongside the changes to her body, I tried introducing a small function where the thighs would "deform" a little if long stockings were worn, and once again, how good it turned out! I plan to introduce this to all the girls, but Maeve is the first to debut it, and I couldn't be more proud of her.
  • I reduced the width of her hair as well, at least the part that is behind her head, this way Maeve's shape is much less coarse, even much prettier!
  • I temporarily removed the mole, I don't know if it looks good now, it's a small detail, but we are true believers that the small details are the ones that matter the most sometimes! What do you think? Should I return the mole? Or maybe put it somewhere else on her face or even her body?
  • To finish, I also wanted to add a couple of extra pupils. Not only that, but I recovered an old expression of Maeve, one of the best in the game. Check it out!

(I forgot to remove the mole here but who cares)

Customization System Improved! Simpler, easier, better.

We have renewed the clothing coloring system, making it simpler and more intuitive, changing the system from "Choose a tone, and a color, for piece A, B or C" to a simpler system where the colors are simply given to you, completely removing the selection of shades, and now you just have to select one of the options A, B or C, and choose the color you want!

It also looks more organized, and it's so soothing to watch (or is it just me?)

And last, but oh boy, DEFINITELY not least...

Agnes' alternative sex scene (Not everyone is into feet, neither I am, why did I add that scene in the first place?)(Oh yeah, might as well make a patreon poll!)

One of the main complaints is people just... not being into certain Agnes scene, and I always wanted to add an alternative scene, as well as retouching the build up in the event a little deep, but for now, here are a couple of possible PoVs for the scene. We might add one or two more, since we cannot even make up our mind with the these two, having said that, is most likely to end up in a poll, but we are showing the potential first options already before adding one or two more like I stated. What are your thoughts?

Huff! ...

I told you we worked quite a lot, didn't I? Biggest (Bi-)Weekly Update in the history of MA's development!

As I did in a previous weekly update, I would like to add parts of the story that we are working on, but I want to polish them a little bit more first, so I can show you all how they look on paper!

Until then, that's it for this Update! Stay safe, and thank you for your support!



Dahlia remodel les go!


•🕷️🕸️ girl changes are great •Everyone loves thicc thighs •Didn’t have a problem with the old system but simpler is always better •Also not into feet BUT the scene makes sense for her personality imo (nothing wrong with a little dommy mommy action) Should stay in as a side scene at least 👍🏿


Oh, the original scene is staying, this is just an alternative scene depending on the player's tastes!


Love the Maeve revamp. I wasn’t personally a fan on the mole though some people might be. Do you think it could be a customization option?


I'm excited to see what's next. These next two months are going to drag so bad xD Keep up the good work!


Ah, feet for a subby MC and a BJ for a more Dom one?


Loving the new developments. Also, definitely keep Agnes' personality similar for the alternative scene. Really loved it! And Maeve and Dahlia are looking incredibly cute! And the clothing system looks neat, very clear.


Definetely keep the mole, I would argue you can add another one on the top of her breasts and/or near the middle, You could even make a joke or two out of it in the vein of "where're you looking at" or "that mole's really distracting/on the perfect position huh?"